Sunday, November 11, 2012


 The annual pumpkin carving!

Costumes! Not sure what Brayden was some mix of monster/phantom/vampire. Brecken was a witch and Brailee was a princess but all she would put on was the dress with a bunch of stickers she got at the babysitters. This was Brailee real first year of understanding trick or treating and it was fun to watch her go up and say trick or treat although that was only temporary after a while she just walked up and practically walked in people's house to her herself some candy, she is no dummy.

Get Air

The kids went to a birthday party for some of their friends at a place I think was called "get air" and they had a ton of fun bouncing on huge trampolines and into foam squares.

Snow Day!

Thursday Oct. 25, 2012
This week I started training for the early shift for a couple weeks and everyone knows how much I HATE driving in the snow, well this particular day I had to be up to the school at 6 a.m. and I did it and the van drove very nicely although I guess the hill up to the school became more slippery and they had to close Weber canyon both ways and the buses could not get around to get all the children so right before 8 they decided to close school for the elementary kids, that would of been nice to know so I didn't have to get up at 5:15 a.m. but oh well I went home and the kids had lots of fun after Brayden came home from school (whom was very disappointed he had to go and Brecken didn't) they played all afternoon in the snow. I think we got about 9 inches that day it was crazy.