We are so proud of our children.
On Thursday morning we woke up early and headed out at 6:30 in the morning to retreave three elk (uncle Brandon's, Mike's, and Milan's) they hiked and hiked all over that mountain until 3:30 in the afternoon,until Brecken didn't want to hike anymore. In fact everytime we said we were going out she would get all upset and tell us she was not going anymore.
They were so tired they fell asleep right after eating dinner in our arm's.
This is our "Man" this little guy hiked his little butt off for 5 day's he got out there and hiked every day to try and find those elk. He was such a trooper.
"Like Father like Daughter!"
Everything her dad does, she has to copy. Even chewing on the weeds!

Dad finally gave in and carried her after her leg's were so tired she just sat down on the trail and wouldn't go any further.

Gandpa Larsen was happy to walk them back to the truck, they didn't hesitate to go.

Here's Brandon, Mike, Casey, and Milan finally headed out with the last elk of the day. "Back to Camp" Boy was I wiped out and tired my leg's were very sore, I don't know how the kid's did it.